Sunday, October 25, 2015

A Long Over Due Update

This update is long overdue!  We are now actively waiting in domestic adoption with an agency in Georgia.  We really don’t know how long it will take, this is something to release to the Lord and know that He knows the plan and we are ready for what He brings our way.  Kylie just celebrated her seventh birthday and she is really excited to bring home a little sister.

We have had one other major change to share.  We moved, again.  We decided this summer that we needed to try and move back to Farmington and put our house on the market to see if it would sell.  This was a hard decision as having acreage was a long-time dream of ours.  We just knew that it was probably best to move again so we wanted to see what would happen and would remain in that home if it didn’t sell.  It took about a month, but we did end up selling and all of our hard work and sweat equity paid off in our ability to move back close to our old neighborhood without a financial hit.  We were back in Farmington for the start of the school year thanks to the help of Anita and Joel and their providing us a place to live.  We had two weeks of 14 people under one roof … and I must say it actually went fairly well. 

It was a long year of physical labor, one we never want to experience again.  However, we continue to remind ourselves that we are blessed beyond measure and are grateful for a roof over our heads and a comfortable place to call home.  We have been in our new home a month and have worked hard to get settled.  Our renovation project in our other home had reached a point where we were finally able to put our feet up, so we didn’t want to move into another “fixer upper.”  We are looking forward to more time to spend with family this next year and are hopeful that this next adoption will happen sooner rather than later.  Thanks for still reading our updates … we are thankful for the support we receive from you all and do appreciate your interest in our adoption journey.