Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Are You Still Adopting?

We have fielded this question many times over the past months.  Truly caring friends and family that wonder what, if any, progress has occurred.  I think many assume that we probably have dropped out of this process and probably don’t want to ask as it is a hard topic sometimes.  The answer is, “yes,” we are still adopting, we are still waiting and we are still confident that God is speaking to us in that we need to continue to wait.  In talking about this last week, we realized that at this point of being active at the agency in Georgia, we still haven’t waited as long as we did for Kylie.  That wait was 10 months from the time our home study was complete.  We are at about nine months right now of being active at the agency domestically.  Clearly, with starting internationally in 2013, we have waited longer than nine months, but for our current process we right now have waited the length of a pregnancy.
One thing that anyone who has adopted can likely relate to is do you “get ready” or wait, when it comes to preparedness with a crib, clothes and other baby items.  This time for us we are approved to adopt a child up to age five.  We assume it will be a baby, but it may not be.  We are prepared, but not prepared all at the same time this time around.  Recently we had friends gift us an over-abundance of clothing which makes us more set in that department then I ever thought imaginable.  Being older parents, we also know that you can get by for awhile without the cool baby items that we deemed completely necessary when we had Corbin 16 years ago.   J
I wanted to share again God’s amazing goodness and how He speaks.  I often find that I just need to really listen because He does want to reveal to us if we stop and hear Him.  We have had some tough struggles lately helping Kylie work through her grief and loss in adoption (another blog post could be written about that piece, and the misnomer that children adopted at birth will have little to deal with related to their adoption) … this particular day I was very sad, so sad for her and feeling completely incompetent in our ability as her parents.  I was crying out to the Lord and actually told Him that “We can’t do this again … it is too hard!”  I had decided in that moment while sitting in my glider that this was it, we have all we can handle and honestly, “I’m out” on another go-round is what I thought in my head.  Awhile later when I went to check my email I realized we had an email from the agency in Georgia. These emails are not common as we typically have no idea when our profile is being shown.  This email was inquiring with us about a situation and asking would we want to be shown.  I was amazed, once again, that God spoke at the exact time that I was having my melt-down.  He has been gracious in allowing us to receive an answer from Him exactly when we have wondered if we are still to be pursuing.  We were shown, and didn’t end up being chosen for that situation, but God knew we needed another confirmation.  I am sure He is probably thinking “when are you going to get it??” 
I have said many times in this process, and continue to say, God’s timing is the only thing we can count on.  We don’t know what is coming, we don’t know when and we honestly don’t know if it will ever happen.  But the one thing we do know is that for some reason God still has us waiting.  For some reason, God has chosen to supply the entire remaining financial need for this adoption, and for some reason He chooses to speak to us in each moment we have of hesitation and doubt.  So, there’s my update … not really an update, but another proclamation that we are still waiting … God continues to have all the details and our job continues to be obediently waiting on Him.