Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Curve Ball

Waiting is hard.  It really kind of stinks actually. We have three major life changers that we are waiting on right now and we have had to exercise extreme patience in the past couple of months.  It can feel like God is trying to ‘teach us patience’ at times and I wonder does this lesson ever get learned well?  I have heard the sayings “Don’t pray for patience” or “My mom prayed for patience and God gave her my brother” … Quite honestly I don’t really believe in having to be “taught patience” what I really believe it is comes down to is learning to believe in the Lord’s best in each situation.  The real lesson for me is knowing over and over, with each day, that God is in control of this and He has a plan that requires us for the time being … to wait. 

We have finished yet another year of baseball.  Really my favorite time of year.  I love being at the ball field and could sit and watch baseball or softball daily.  It has been in my blood for a really long time.  Being a pitcher in days past I got to experience the fun of throwing pitches that the batter did not know were coming.  It is quite fun to throw a curve ball, change up or off speed pitch and watch the batter try and hit it.  I have vivid memories of trying not to laugh on the mound because sometimes it truly (from the pitcher’s perspective) just looks funny.  I have actually seen batters tip over trying to hit the ball that was vastly different than what they expected to come.  It has gotten me thinking that sometimes I think that God is just one of those ultimate pitchers.  He throws curve balls and has the vantage point of watching us not knowing it is coming.  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe that he throws traumatic things at us to get a laugh, but in my pitcher’s mind I just think sometimes He has fun with it. 

Chris and I are in one of those moments where we have seen a few curve balls over the past several months.  We are feeling right now with this adoption process that God has a different path He may send us on and we have swung and missed a ball that He never intended for us to hit.  It is hard to remain content in the “not knowing” but we are doing our best to listen, trust and discern what He is telling us.  Please pray for us and with us about this.  We do not know if we should be changing to a different program or staying put in this program having less and less confidence that it is going to go anywhere.  We don’t want to be one of those families that “gives up” when we have so clearly been directed to where we are at and we have the face of a little girl who we have been “referred” (although we don’t yet even know if she has orphan status).  We also don’t want to continue chasing pitches that are not the ones we are supposed to hit.  

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