Sunday, September 15, 2013

Grandma's Love

Today would be my Grandma’s 97th birthday if she were still on earth with us.  As I mentioned in my previous post, she was adopted 85 years ago, at the age of 12.  I miss her tons and wish often that I could ask her more questions about her life and experiences.  I am grateful for the time that we had and am so thankful that I was a stay-at-home mom during her last few years of life.   I would often take the boys to the nursing home to see her and we cherish those memories.

In the service we attend at church we don’t often get to hear what I call “oldies but goodies,” Chris doesn’t always know what I mean because he didn’t grow up in the church, but today we got to hear a beautiful duet of the song “His Eye is On the Sparrow” and when they sang I couldn’t help myself, the tears flowed.  That song brings back so many memories of my childhood and time with my immediate family and also my grandparents.  Such sweet memories and blessings of a life of love.  Though my immediate family has changed, and my Grandparents are no longer living on this earth, it is incredible how a song can impact you in that way.  My Grandma came through adversity, and she loved her Grandkids well even though she had a tough start at life. When I was young Grandma would show her love to us through food … my cousin and I talked about this at her funeral and he pointed out that she and Grandpa did not have material wealth, but she always showed her love through food.  I made Grandma’s light rye bread today to remember her.  My kids don’t associate this bread with their great grandma because they did not watch her bake it: kneading the dough, letting it rise, punching it down and letting it rise again.  That is what I remember when I eat this bread; watching Grandma work hard to prepare food to show her love for us.  Today, my bread machine did all the work, but the end result of the tasty bread reminds me of my precious Grandma.  Happy Birthday Grandma!  I love you so much, and miss you.  I can’t wait to see you again!

The boys have decided that they are going to add a “Bake Sale” onto our fundraiser day.  We are going to make some yummy baked goods (to include a few loaves of Grandma’s light rye bread) to sell in an attempt to raise money for our adoption.  As you can see from our thermometer at the right of the page … we are blessed!  We have been given $2,300 towards our adoption already.  It is so fun to hear from people who want to support us and we are very excited we get to see many of you on October 5th … we appreciate you and are humbled by your generosity! 

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