Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Next Step of The Journey

One of the things that we knew immediately in even considering adoption again is that the costs are daunting.   How does one pay for adoption fees?  I have a good friend who has adopted from Russia four separate times … do you realize that is about $200,000 total in adoption costs?  How does a family do that?  We believe fully that the only way this is done is through God’s help.  We have struggled with deciding, do we wait until we have all of the funds before entering this process?  Or do we just jump in, trusting that God will provide as we move ahead?  There are many philosophies on this, and honestly, after working in the adoption world for four years now, I have come to believe fully that God intends for this process to come as He calls, and sometimes He calls when you don’t have $20,000 saved in your bank account.  Does that mean that going into debt for adoption is a good idea?  I think each family needs to evaluate that question for themselves, being wise but also assessing all resources available to them.  I do believe that sometimes we do have to get creative and look at the ways that we are already blessed and draw from those areas.  Do we trust that God will care for us always?  I mean always?  What if that means that our earthy “safety net” is drained … will God still care for us?  I do believe that He will and I also have come to understand at a more personal level that when we walk in this life doing what He asks, even when it doesn’t fit into our financial plan, He will honor that and provide for all of our needs. 

My grandpa was a pastor for all of his adult life.  He and my grandma lived on very little, and you know what?  God always provided for them. They did not live life worrying about not having enough.  They knew that had enough because God was walking with them and He would never leave them.  From my perspective they never worried about “having” but they also did not extend themselves in a way that made life a struggle, they simply lived with “less.”  When you have almost 30 grandkids, as my grandparents did, they did not shower us with things, rather they showered us with love, time and lots of tasty baked treats (ohh my grandma’s light rye bread … so incredible)!  J  As many of you know, my sister and her husband adopted a large sibling group five years ago.  Many asked, “How will you pay for college for all of them?”  And their response, college is not a worry for a child that may not have basic needs met if we didn’t step up and do this.  Living with “less” and having “less” to provide our kids.  But you know that our “less” in this country is actually more than most in the world will ever have.

So, we are $8,000 into our adoption this time.  We know that we have least $13,000 (and possibly) more to go depending upon how many times we need to travel to Ghana.  Do we have that saved in our account?  No, we do not.  Our accounts are now drained after our initial investment.  This is when we now trust that God will provide what we need.  I have heard countless stories of the ways God has provided to families over the past four years.  Honestly, it is one of the best parts of my job.  God ordains adoption, God calls people to adopt, and God calls others to support those who adopt.  We are going to be starting our fundraising efforts very soon.    It is a part of the journey that requires us to pack away our pride and trust that God has called us to this … so He will provide what we need!

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