Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Waiting with Anticipation

Just a little update before Christmas.  We received some incredible news this week in the form of an email informing us of an adoption grant we have received.  We are overwhelmed with this provision that God has provided.  We were reminded through a sermon two weeks ago of the importance of waiting with anticipation of the things that the Lord is doing in our lives.  Sometimes it is so incredibly easy to focus on how hard the wait is and that we don’t want to wait anymore.  The thing is, while we are ‘waiting’ God is not silent … He is continually working.  What a difference it makes when you can remind yourselves and live in that way of thinking.  When we wait with anticipation it helps us to remember that He is working, He hasn’t left us and He has much to do that may not fit into “our” timeframe.  This new financial provision is not only another reminder of an incredibly Gracious God, but also another confirmation that this is where we are supposed to be.  To say we haven’t wondered “How long Lord?” or even “Is this really going to happen Lord?” …. would be a lie, but gentle reminders and confirmations along the way help us to know that this is where we are supposed to be. 

We hope you have a wonderfully blessed Christmas!  We are excited to spend another year celebrating our Savior.  We are honored that we have opportunities to serve Him, and will wait for as long as He has us in this process.  We are now focusing on waiting with anticipation on the things the Lord is going to do!  We hope that if you are waiting for something that you will also be able to remind yourself to wait with anticipation … We serve an amazing God and he has not left you!  Merry Christmas!

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